
Have fun and learn how to stay safe at the beach

Nippers Program details

Our Nipper Program is for kids aged 5 to 14 years old and occurs every 2 weeks. It is a great way for children to make friends, be active and learn how to enjoy the beach safely. Nippers learn about surf awareness and safety and as they progress through the various age groups, nippers undergo lessons in wading, running, ocean swimming, board paddling and lifesaving skills as well as learning the basics of resuscitation and first aid.

We are looking forward to welcoming our Nippers to the upcoming season. We are excited to announce that our first Nippers Day will be 20 October 2024. We have also locked in our Nippers Outline for this season. Make sure you book these key dates for your diary.

Registrations open14/8/24
Information session14/09/24
Registrations close29/09/24
Proficiency 115/09/2410am-12pm (at Corrimal Pool)
Proficiency 213/10/2410am-12pm (at Corrimal Pool)
Proficiency 3TBATBA
Nippers 120/10/249.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 227/10/249.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 310/11/249.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 424/11/249.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 58/12/249.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 6 Christmas Party – Saturday14/12/244.30pm – 6pm
Christmas/New Year Break
Nippers 719/1/259.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 82/02/259.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 99/02/259.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 1023/2/259.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 119/03/259.45am – 11.00am
Back up Nippers to cover cancellations16/3/259.45am – 11.00am
Nippers 12 Finale23/3/259.45am – 11.00am
Presentation TBC
*U14 SRC training details will be emailed to each U14 participant individually.

View the Nippers Outline for the 2024/25 season

Things to know:

  • Nipper registrations are open
  • Our first nippers day is 20 October 2024
  • Our last nippers day is 23 March 2025
  • All registrations must be done online.
  • New nipper members must have a financial parent member registered
  • New nipper members must send the club registrar ( a copy of their birth certificate
  • When registering please ensure you pay at the same time.
  • A reminder if using active kids voucher it can only be used for the nominated child

If you have any other queries, please contact us at

Active Kids Voucher

Sandon Point SLSC is an NSW Active Kids Provider! If you use your $100 NSW Active Kids Voucher to pay for your child’s registration, you will receive a club hat.

NSW Active Kids Vouchers can only be redeemed for the child whose name is on the Active kids voucher. No refunds will be given for credit not used. When you pay online, the system will ask you to put your Active Kids voucher information into the system so please have your voucher ready.

All about Nippers at Sandon Point

Nippers 2024/25 Calendar

Nippers 2024/25 Calendar

Nippers meet fortnightly on Sundays commencing at 10:00am (arrival time is 9:30am). The Nippers season runs from October to April. 

  • Our first nippers day will be 20 October 2024
  • Our last nippers day will be 23 March 2025

Nippers Outline 



Nippers is open to all kids between the ages of 5-14 years. Please note children must have turned 5 years old by the 30th of September before they can become a Nipper member. 
Before a child can participate in any Nipper’s event, they must complete the Preliminary Skills Evaluation. Nippers U6 to U14 are required to attend the Sandon Point Proficiency Swim. See season program proficiency dates.
Please note: At least one parent or legal guardian must be a financial Sandon Point SLSC member as part of the Nipper family membership.

View Preliminary Skills Evaluation



Our Sandon Point Surf Club Nippers uniforms give our Nippers a sense of belonging to the Club. 
Compulsory items:

  • Sandon Point Nippers cap. 
  • Fluorescent pink hi-visibility rash vest. Compulsory during all water based activities.

Optional items:

  • Sandon Point Beach SLSC swimwear

If your child would like to compete in events at carnivals, they will need to be in full competition uniform. (Sandon Point SLSC cozzies, skull cap, and pink hi-vis rash)



U14 SRC training will be conducted during the nipper days. Once the U14s have successfully completed their SRC, they will be asked to assist with completing water safety. This is an important aspect of our nipper’s development from those that need help, to those that provide help. The young nippers love getting help from the big kids. With the SRC award, our U14s are qualified to start patrolling our wonderful beach. If your U14 child is keen to do patrols, please let your U14 age manager know, and they will forward your request onto our Club Captain.

Age Groups

Age Groups

Age groups for Nippers are set by SLSA and remain a minimum age of five years (u6) up to a maximum age of 13 years (u14) on a
seasonal basis
The age group is determined by the Nippers age at midnight on the 30th September each year
Proof of age/birth certificate must be shown for all new children joining surf club. Children must have obtained the age of 5 years by 30th September before they can become a Nipper member.
However, a child may still be registered to be a Nipper if they turn five between the 30/9 and the first Nippers date. However, they must stay in the u6 age group for the following year.

Age Groups

  • 1st October 2009 - 30th September 2010 = U14
  • 1st October 2010 - 30th September 2011 = U13
  • 1st October 2011 - 30th September 2012 = U12
  • 1st October 2012 - 30th September 2013 = U11
  • 1st October 2013 - 30th September 2014 = U10
  • 1st October 2014 - 30th September 2015 = U9
  • 1st October 2015 - 30th September 2016 = U8
  • 1st October 2016 - 30th September 2017 = U7
  • 1st October 2017 - 30th September 2018 = U6

Nippers FAQs

Children must be 5 years old by the end of September in the year in which they join. For the 2020/21 season, the cut off is 30 September 2015.

  • Sandon Point skull cap
  • Pink hi-vis rash vest
  • Sandon Point cozzies
  • Goggles
  • Water to drink
  • Suncream
  • Towel
  • Parent or Guardian

Yes. One parent or guardian responsible for that child needs to remain on the beach with their child at all times.

Children can only join on their own once they reach the age of 15, up until then, any child must join with their parents.

See Memberships here